This app rocks the house! I take my school notes on it. Its perfect because in my engineering classes I have to take notes with lots of equations and diagrams. One page ends up being enough space for about a period of notes if Im conservative with space. Then I email into evernote for better organization and search-ability.
Some things that need help:
- line smoothing. The writing does end up being a little rough, so if something could be done to smooth out the lines that would be awesome. My writing ends up looking about like that on the tutorial video.
- organization. I know the iPad version allows you to staple pages together, and would like to see that feature here.
- color. Diagrams could be much easier to interpret if different colors were available
- copy and paste. Obviously this has to be done differently than on a word processor. Just allow me to draw a closed loop and move all the writing in that loop to somewhere else.
- import PDFs. Again, the iPad version has this and I think it would be a really handy feature to have.
Even without these changes the app was well worth the $2. With these features I would easily pay more for it.
Hint for those looking into the app: try the free version if you havent. The functionality on there is plenty for most peoples needs. I just felt it was worth it for the extra functionality for me, and I felt the developer deserved the money for a well thought out and executed app.
KhgdDc about Note Taker, v2.0.0